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Stop parenting bad behavior

You can’t nitpick your child, constantly.⠀

You can’t wait for the bad behavior, constantly.⠀
You can’t fear the bad behavior, constantly.⠀
You can’t tally the bad behavior, constantly.⠀
You can’t complain about the bad behavior, constantly.⠀

You can’t remind him of the bad responses, constantly.⠀
You can’t blame him for the lack of maturity, constantly.⠀

Do you see what I’m getting at?⠀⠀

Your constants become your reality.⠀

These constant perspectives/approaches further alienate you from your child. ⠀

Your constant critical laser focus creates stress, sadness, anxiety, and isolation for him.⠀

Remember, when YOU are at your worst, it is not due to lack of social skills, lack of education, it is often due to stress, unhappiness, depression, anxiety, exhaustion or overwhelm. ⠀

YOU can ask for help or google for help.⠀

Your child only has you.⠀⠀

Your child’s bad behavior is merely one element which makes up a whole.⠀

I am not advocating pretending issues don’t exist. I am merely reminding you a compassionate and well-rounded strategies render higher success rates. ⠀

Step 1: Seeing your WHOLE child allows you to be objective and empathic.⠀

Step 2: Seeing your WHOLE child allows you to coach, cheer and appreciate. ⠀

This is the winning combination. ⠀

This balanced strategy creates more opportunities for growth, his and yours.⠀

I am here for you. Judgment free.⠀
Reach out if this strikes a cord.⠀
