She spills water; you say this.
He drops a bucket of popcorn; you say this.
They start to cry; you say this.
“I knew you were going to do that!”
A very mean phrase to say to a child. It stings and hurts. It demonstrates you are more interested in blaming their ineptitude than helping them recover.
You make this situation all about victimizing yourself rather than empowering your child or creating a better strategy.
My questions to you:
Why do you feel the need to say this?
Does it make you feel better?
Does it confirm you are right not to trust her?
Did someone say this to you as a child?
Does someone say this to you now?
In my experience, I can tell you children trust people who say “I knew you were going to do that!” FAR LESS than the people who jump in and help them problem solve.
If this hits home, tell me about it. I appreciate reading your thoughts.